Monastery of the
Espousal of Mary and Joseph
The Espousal of Mary and Joseph
Russian - Mstera School, early 19th century
Welcome to the Monastery of the Espousal of Mary and Joseph
Discalced Carmelite Friars of Brighton, Massachusetts (USA)
Founded in Brookline, MA | November 6, 1942
Transferred to Brighton, MA | October 26, 1989
There are three significant "entities" residing in the Brighton Monastery that make it unique:
1) OCDS Main Office for the Washington Province
2) Kenya Mission Office
3) Postulancy Program and the Student Formation & Education Program
FRONT ROW: Bros. Jonathan Maria, Joseph Teresa, Isaiah, Moses, Nathanael.
MIDDLE ROW: Jack (new Postulant); Fr. Jorge, a guest from Columbia, S.A.; Frs. Leonard, Bonaventure, Daniel, George, Br. John-Magdalene & Fr. Donald.
BACK ROW: Br. Vladimir Guadalupe, Frs. Michael, Paul, & Br. Chuck.