Meet the Friars & Brothers
FRONT ROW: Bros. Jonathan Maria, Joseph Teresa, Isaiah, Moses, Nathanael.
MIDDLE ROW: Jack (new Postulant); Fr. Jorge, a guest from Columbia, S.A.; Frs. Leonard, Bonaventure, Daniel, George, Br. John-Magdalene & Fr. Donald.
BACK ROW: Br. Vladimir Guadalupe, Frs. Michael, Paul, & Br. Chuck.
Friars and Brothers assigned to the Brighton Monastery of the Espousal 2023-2026:
Fr. Bonaventure Lussier, Prior
Fr. Donald Brick
Fr. Leonard Copeland
Fr. Paul Fohlin
Br. Chuck Gamen
Fr. Michael Berry, Student Director
Fr. George Mangiaracina
Br. Augustine Wharf (Marion Manor, So. Boston)
Br. John-Magdalene Fanders
Br. Nathanael Gregor
Br. Isaiah Klena
Br. Moses Urlakis
Br. Jonathan Maria Ebert
Br. Joseph Teresa Steger
2023 Investiture Ceremony
Fr. Michael Berry (Student Director) and Fr. Daniel Chowning (Provincial) invested four of our students:
Br. Joseph Teresa as Lector; Bros. Isaiah, Moses & Nathanael as Acolytes.

Our Community

Meet the Brothers
Br. John-Magdalene Fanders, Br. Nathanael Gregor, Br. Isaiah Klena, Br. Moses Urlakis, Br. Jonathan Maria Ebert, Br. Joseph Teresa Steger